Is bloggiong free or paid
Want to make money online? One of the most popular way to do so is through blogging. You probably heard that many people earn a lot of money ($5000 or even more) through blogging. If you have decided to start blogging, then it’s a great idea. But, if you don't know how to start a blog or knew about blogging a few days ago, then wait. There are a lot of things you need to know before you start blogging. Most of the time, new bloggers start their website without knowing the pros and cons, and as a result, they give up. That's why we have created a checklist of the essential things that you need to know before starting your website. Blogging takes time and initiative The first thing you need to ask yourself why you want to start a blog website. If your target is only to make money online, frankly, blogging may not be the best option for you. There are plenty of methods of earning money online, and blogging is just one of the most difficult ones. Blogging needs a ton ...